Sunday 20 August 2017

My Poem

The wind in my hair

Make a choice, smile today. 

Let the wind blow away the past
Let the wind blow away the pain
Let the wind blow away the destitute  
Let the wind blow away the petty
Let the wind blow away the anger
Let the wind blow away the false
Let the wind blow away the fickle
Let the wind blow away the frown
Let the wind blow away the rotten
Let the wind blow away the despair

Make a choice, smile today
Love the light from within
Feel the warmth on the face

Let me come close to me
I am here, I am constant
I am the best I deserve 

The wind that blows on me now, is my wind 
I fly, I leap, I dazzle, I radiate from within
Come September, come October I am ready.
I am no longer anyone else
I am happy,  I am Me.

- Neha R

1 comment:

Tanushree said...

Awesome wrritten

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