Pink is Powerful!
To begin with the movie isn't an easy watch by which I mean that it will not only grip you but also bombard your brain with questions, thoughts and emotions all at the same time at least that's how I felt through out the movie.
I must appreciate Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury who made the this film with such ease and simplicity that moves you, touches you and yet be an easy way of story telling.
The movie does not have any grandeur to it which works well for the story line as well.
I believe that girls and women across the globe will easily relate to PINK as we all since our childhood have somewhere been subject and witness to the social norm and stereo type thinking, for no fault of ours as well as the society.
As always I do not wish to give out the story of the movie when it is so good and hence needs to be approached fresh by every individual without me putting my version of it, as this is the best story telling by Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury. He cleverly manages to pull out the simplest of problems women face whether they want to live an independent life or under the shadows. I must point out though that performances of each and every character is like the director made to look like played at the same ease showing out the same simplicity be it the great Amitabh Bachchan who plays his character of a lawyer in no flamboyance heighten pitched big dialogue delivery none of it but the plain simple lawyer who is trying to fight a case. The court room scenes are the best in the movie but unlike the big hall with lots of people and lawyers and judges it's made out to look very real with small rooms and few people.
The best part for me was the one where Amitabh Bachchan comes up saying that the incident only makes him to create a safety manual for women to refer all the time to things to do and don't so that they remain safe. I think like Gita or Bibal etc.. Which shows the path for women to follow from the time she takes her first breath to her last.
I was so touched by the small instances being brought up that we as women face all the time through our life and it gets so engraved into us that we become instinctively tuned to behave accordingly and we shall continue to pass on the same to our future generations, as we all feel that it is foolish to think that being safe is something we aught to create for ourself and that if ever something goes wrong we ourselves are to be blamed for it as non adherence to the safety rule was somewhere our own fault and so the consequence result is to be the suffering we are entitled to. Well while watching the movie every individual will be bombarded with such similar thoughts.But this was a movie worthy to be made, worthy to be told and worthy to be watched by the entire society. I am so happy that the missing education from our school is now being provided through the film. As they rightly say in the movie "save the boys girls will be saved automatically". By the way do not miss out on the wonderful poem "Tu Khudh ki khhoj mein chal" in the voice of Mr Bachchan was penned by Tanveer Ghazi it's the best climax to the movie.
I leave this review here and urge every individual along with your family, children, kids to go and watch it. May be after watching the movie rightfully so the society may only begin to at least think differently if not act.